Friday 6 September 2013

Mini Giveaway by Sfaezah

I'm interested in joining this GA by Sfaezah. The GA runs until 30th September 2013. Click the banner above to join.

Last March, my family, relatives & I went to India. The reasons why we went there:
1. to visit my brother who's studying there
2. to visit (for the first time) our Indian relatives. (my late grandfather is of Indian descent)
3. to have fun & shop till we dropped!

I still haven't wrote about my trip to India on my main blog, but will do so when I have the time, hehe... >_<

Anyway, now let me state why you should go have a vacation in India:
1. the ticket fare is quite reasonable
2. you'll feel like a billionaire there bcoz the currency rate is very low. We spent 6 days in India, and after counting how much we spent, it's below RM1000 per person for a two-way ticket, 5-night stay & food as well.
3. it's a shopper's heaven! You can buy sarees, carpets, shawls & all sorts of souvenirs
4. That day I went to Kerala & Chennai. Kerala is said to be the cleanest state in India (although it's not very clean). It has nice beaches & lovely scenery. So it's better than going to Delhi where the it's far more expensive & quite busy with people.

I'm thinking about going to India again mayb next year. Mayb to Kashmir & Agra next time, hihi~..

My family & relatives boarding the flight to India

Me & my sis

Buying sarees

A beach in Kerala

We're having fun!!

Malaysian + Indian relatives

I'm gonna tag:

Wish me luck~!! (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. wah,bestnya abang nisa study sana,gudluck ye!

  3. wah..beznye cuci mata tgk pic nisa
    tringin jugak rs nak ke india

    thanks tag yumida
    gdluck sis


Feel free to drop any comments~